Message from the Chairman of the Board

Senator Wigberto E. Tañada


    To all our Valued Stockholders.

    For more than Twenty- One years, our ability to embrace and adapt to challenges with an open mind has enabled us to stay true to our mission – “Enriching People’s Lives”. This is through the continued delivery of quality financial services in the areas where our bank operates.

    In the year 2020, the business world was challenged by a global pandemic, causing major disturbances that cascaded down to the local economic landscape. This scenario required us to frequently and consistently evaluate the situation from all angles and craft strategies that adequately address the challenges while on a lockdown.  As a frontline institution, we doubled our efforts to improve our processes and adapt our systems, we gathered our strength and we continued essential financial services throughout the quarantine period. We were able to innovate and launch new ways to make our financial services available and viable in more channels as possible. We became more resolute, resilient and adaptive to an emerging new normal. 

    For BancoLagawe, the COVID 19  pandemic has been the most severe stress test yet. But we were able to  manage and  produce remarkable improvements in terms of capital strength, asset quality and net earnings in the year 2020. We believe that what steered us through this crisis was the board of directors, management and staff working together as a team.

    Moving forward, BancoLagawe is determined to help the localities where it operates recover from the effects of the pandemic by making its financial resources available. BancoLagawe is determined to help the local economy recover and develop faster in this critical period. We are aware that this is a daunting task, but with a history of resiliency behind us, we shall overcome these trying times.

    We look forward to the continuing trust, confidence and support of our stockholders. With you, our management and staff, and our esteemed clients, that form part of our key pillars, we will continue to help develop and build  a sustainable local economy that will bring a better life to our people. 

    Maraming Salamat at Mabuhay kayong lahat!

Message from the Vice-Chairman of the Board

 Dr. Willie A. Damasco

Welcome Dear Stockholders.  

    The Covid19 has brought us into exceptionally difficult situation. However, with the innovative strategies of BancoLagawe’s Management Team, we were able to survive. We truly appreciate the phenomenal performance of each player. The fruit of all labors have reached a great heights of success. 

    BancoLagawe is not after to the Stockholders monetary investment, it is more on serving the people with fiduciary responsibility. We encourage everyone to participate on the bank's operation activities. We will entertain any ideas that will help us to enhance more. In BancoLagawe, we are one big happy family.

Annual Report of the President /CEO

Mr. Therence G. Batulon

Good Morning Stockholders.

    By February 2020, yours truly started the journey as your President. In my first day at the office, I sat down with mixed emotions. I have so many things running in my mind and it reminded me a bible verse my father always tells us, Proverbs 3:5-6 “5) Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not on your own understanding. 6) In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths.” Clinging to this verse, I felt uplifted and inspired to give our best for the betterment of our bank. I am extremely grateful to all the staff especially the ManCom for being supportive to the plans I laid on the table. Mid-march came, pandemic journey begins.

      But being resilient, having the right solution coupled with a “Strong TEAM” and supportive Board, we were able to achieve an impressive Net Income after tax & LLP for the year.

         The gains of 2020 will serve as our inspiration to be more “on fire” in our goals for 2021. Keeping the fire is not that easy but I strongly believe that with a clear Common Goal, everything is achievable! 

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Annual Stockholders' Meeting Slideshow